Indian Fashion Institutes
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25th Edition of IIJS

Featured Fashion Institute

Today nothing looks the way it always did, we are in the midst of a design revolution, wherein people want to express themselves through whatever is around them. This does not only include apparel but also lifestyle products, accessories, packaging and even graphics. It is a full fledged industry now which only a few years ago was not even regarded as a valid career option.

This was a result of the establishment of institutes like NIFT (1986) and NID (1961), first set-up in Delhi and Ahmedabad respectively. NID an initiative by the Govt. Of India   and NIFT as an aegis to the Ministry Of Textiles, both serve design with a multi disciplinary approach to design . NIFT boasts of alumni like Ritu Kumar, Ashish Soni, JJ Vallaya and  Gaurav Gupta among the recent few.

With the popularity fashion designers automatically receive and the avenues open to designers of other categories as well, there has been a serious change in perception relating to design.
In terms of how things look we now as consumers need more than just the basic, it needs to be aesthetically appealing as well.

The change has been primarily in the fact that initially design was only seen in the context of styling and aesthetics. Now it is also perceived in its functional aspect which explains how the moolah is now involved.

A number of institutes of reasonable standing like Wigan & Leigh college, rafflesinternaional, JD Institue, Pearl Academy Of Fashion etc.  have been set up therefore that cater to this requirement both in India and abroad.

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